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The Goal of this course to enable Candidates know that designing a solar PV system requires a systematic approach. Here we shall use a Standalone Rooftop Solar Energy System to follow the sequence of events needed to be followed to produce a fully functioning Complete Solar Energy System.
A. Typical Steps to follow in Designing a Bespoke Stand-Alone PV System
- Carryout a Desktop Survey by Identifying the premises on aerial mapping software.
- Conduct an Energy Audit to Establish Power Requirements
This requires visiting the client to carry out an energy audit and establish Power requirement. - Evaluation of the Site will also be carried out during the visit.
- Develop the Initial System Concept
- Determine the PV Array sizing and sizing other Solar Components in the system being designed
- Evaluate Electrical Design Basics: Cabling and Battery etc Requirements
- Select the best components for Procurement
- Review the design.
- Consider Solar Energy Financials: –
- Consider Insurance Policy
- Signing Agreement
- Carryout Procurement of Components
- Carrying Out Installation
- Commissioning
- Maintenance & Repairs
B. Learn more on Solar Energy Fundamentals: –
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